Monday, 19 May 2014

Fighting back

I'm struggling to get out of a dark pit at the moment, so bear with me.  However I have been doing a little bit of SOMETHING (however small) each day.  Today I have been painting bondaweb with a view to completing some mixed media pieces for the Warwickshire Open Studios event.  Actually doing something, anything, is so helpful, I find.
Had a great day out with my sister at Malvern on Saturday and that boosted my mood too.


Chris Gray said...

Come on now girl! Shake away those glum shadows.

I wish I was a bit closer then WE could go and have a day out somewhere....but I'll be up again in August so we can have a coffee and a chat!

Take care

x C

Anne B said...

Thanks Chris! I feel a bit better today despite torrential rain! Hope all's well with you and Bloke......

Catherine said...

Sorry to hear you've been feeling low Anne. Well done to be able to carry on doing something creative every day. Glad your day out with your sister helped.

Linda’s Textiles said...

Yes, I find it helps to be doing something creative, however small - you're achieving something & it may lead to more creativity. That's why I've been doing small things to sell.
I hope you'll soon be through your rough patch and feeling better.