Thursday, 24 September 2009

Space - the final frontier

Last weekend I had a massive clearout of the front bedroom, which henceforth shall be known as "My Studio". I now have a large (6' x 2'6") heavyweight worktable as well as my dinky pine desk and each day after work I have done a bit more clearing and sorting. Al's away this weekend so I shall really put some time and effort into the room. I shall take a photo and post it on the blog. I keep saying to myself - I deserve this!


Tessa said...

Well done for making some space for yourself and yes of course you deseve it! Look forward to seeing the pic and I know it will help your creativity, the world is now your lobster!


Garnered Stitches said...

Every serious textile artist requires a room of their own to create. Glad to hear yours is nearing completion. I seem to have out grown mine at the moment and most of the work taking place on the dining table - need to have a rethink and reorganise.
best wishes